Key members of the Red Source team recently returned from a productive visit to Poland. Managing director Mark Forrester and procurement manager Jaime Ovington flew to Warsaw to meet several NGOs, suppliers and logistics partners.

Red Source, a leading supplier to the humanitarian sector, is currently working to supply a range of humanitarian aid items to Poland to support Ukraine. Establishing partnerships on the ground in Poland with logistics and supply partners is essential as Red Source prepares for the arrival and movement of the supplies to where they are most needed.

Meetings took place in several cities, with visits to partner offices, warehouses and locations where the packing of food and clothing was underway to support thousands of displaced Ukrainian families that have managed to escape the conflict.

In the city of Lodz, the Red Source team met with the founding members of NGO Copernicus4UA, who officially mobilised on day two of the war to safely transport thousands of refugees across the border. The NGO also directly provides housing and support to hundreds of the refugees in Poland. Red Source is working with Copernicus4UA on an existing project, supporting fundraiser Charlotte Simpson, a Dubai based photographer. Charlotte has just arrived in Poland after she reached out to local Dubai businesses to give them the opportunity to purchase vital first aid kits that will be used to help innocent people who have been injured in the conflict.  Red Source supported Charlotte by supplying the kits and Charlotte will be visiting Ukraine with Copernicus to deliver these life-saving kits.

Copernicus4UA volunteers packing donations for distribution to displaced Ukrainians

Copernicus4UA volunteers packing donations for distribution to displaced Ukrainians

Red Source also met with Aidpol, a fellow international humanitarian supplier. Both companies will work together to source and provide a range of humanitarian aid items into the country. “It is essential for us to have a local presence on the ground and Aidpol is a reputed company offering locally manufactured products for humanitarian and development aid worldwide,” said Mark Forrester.

When working in volatile environments, it is essential to have local partners with relevant knowledge and expertise, so the Red Source team met with specialist logistics company Move One with a view to working together not only in Ukraine, but also further afield in other challenging environments including Afghanistan and Africa.

As a productive visit came to a close, Mark Forrester said: “This has been an incredibly fruitful and worthwhile visit. It has also been humbling to meet with so many selfless people. The determination of the Polish volunteers, to support their neighbours, is beyond incredible. They are fundraising constantly and dedicating whatever spare time they have to help those affected by this devastating situation.”

Red Source meet with Copernicus4UA

Red Source meet with Copernicus4UA

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