Red Source is delighted to announce that it has successfully delivered over 1000 premium first aid kits to Poland. From there, they have since been delivered across the border, to various locations in Ukraine.

Red Source partnered with Charlotte Simpson, a well-known photographer from Hotshots Dubai, to help the Ukrainian people.

Charlotte originally intended to go to Poland with a few kits in her luggage. Red Source heard about her plans and quickly set about helping her. By the time she travelled to Warsaw in May, over 1000 kits were also on the way as part of the project.

Together, Charlie and Red Source sold the kits to local companies who then donated them to the project. The amazing response meant that over 1000 kits were ordered and sent to Ukraine. These kits contain vital components to help people injured in the conflict.

“The kits were delivered to Lodz by UPS where they were received by Charlotte and a local NGO, Copernicus4UA. They were then transported across the border to several locations in Ukraine, to be used for training and in real life scenarios”. said Mark Forrester, Managing Director at Red Source.

Red Source first aid kits, along with other vital supplies, successfully delivered to Eastern Ukraine

Both Charlotte and Red Source found it a humbling experience and were vocal in their appreciation of the support of so many businesses and individuals, including Ross Matthew-Smith of Fibber McGees, Maria Nabili of SKIN111, Craig Gibson, and Anthony Keever and Martin Heffernin of Diamond Cutting Edge.

"I am delighted to have taken on this initiative and feel humbled to have been able to play a small part in helping the Ukrainian people,” said Charlotte. “While in Poland, I had the chance to go to some rallies. I visited orphanages and I met  some incredibly dedicated people who give up their own time to help out however they can. I am so grateful for the support of Red Source; the kits were first grade.  This initiative has way exceeded my expectations.”

Red Source continues to supply thousands of MRE’s and first aid items to Poland, following the sudden displacement of millions. Its focus is on cost effective, rapid and often specialised delivery, to get supplies to where they are urgently needed.

For more information, visit and

Charlotte Simpson receiving the delivery of Red Source boxes full of first aid kits in Lodz, Poland

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